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Brilliant Public Speaking (Enhanced DVD)

Brilliant Public Speaking (Enhanced DVD)
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Overcome your fear of public speaking with direction from professional coaches in this 65 minute DVD designed to help you succeed.
Item Code: FI-53231
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
If you know what glossophobia is, it could be because you're very aware of your own fear of public speaking. You're not alone. Countless numbers of people, both men and women, have a terrible fear of public speaking. It's suggested that people who suffer from glossophobia are primarily introverts. Whether you're a man or woman, introvert or extrovert, you can learn the skill of mastering your fear of speaking publicly. Watch professional speakers and listen to coaches in this 65 minute DVD as they offer advice and inspiration for speaking in a variety of situations. Learn how to choose your subject, prepare and practice, overcome anxiety, dress appropriately, use props such and presentation to maintain audience interest, and how to overcome stumbling blocks you arrive at during the speech.
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81608-818-8
  • Run Time: 65 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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