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Culture for Billionaires: China on China (Enhanced DVD)

Culture for Billionaires: China on China (Enhanced DVD)
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With such a rich history, it's no wonder why China's literary culture has thrived for so long, producing innumerable essays, novels and poems. But today, the production of motion pictures in China has become a thriving enterprise that has started to rival that of the United States. This interesting 29 minute program examines how China has changed since the Cultural Revolution while topics such as self-censorship, Contemporary Chinese literature, reoccurring story motifs and the book market are also touched upon. Learn more about the fascinating story of China's vibrant literary history and its newfound appreciation for movies. Featuring expert commentary from film critic Raymond Zhou, film industry analyst Leon Gao, author Yan Lianke and stunt man Zeng Dong, viewers can expect to gain a fresh perspective on this country's heritage of storytelling.
Item Code: FI-53097
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

The fascinating history of China can be traced back thousands of years and writers have always had a story to tell. Innumerable novels, essays and poems written over the centuries may even make China's literary history the oldest in the world. But today motion pictures have become more popular than ever before in this country, potentially rivaling even the U.S. As the film making hub of the world. This informative 29 minute program examines in detail the changes that occurred since the Cultural Revolution that gave way to Chinese cinema as topics such as self-censorship, the book market, Contemporary Chinese literature and reoccurring story motifs are also explored. Enjoy expert commentary from director Eva Jin, film critic Raymond Zhou, stunt man Zeng Dong, film industry analyst Leon Gao and author Yan Lianke. Gain new insights into the forces that are driving China's love for motion pictures and what the future of the written word will be for this ever evolving nation.

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