More Than Half the Sky: China on China (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Mao once talked about the strength and the abiity of women, and his regime may have helped to resign practices like foot binding and child marriage to the past, but women of China are in no way equal to men in regards to rights or privileges. More than Half the Sky: China on China uses the personal story of Yu Xinpei, a country girl who moved to Shanghai to apprentice to a hairdresser, to give viewers a personal take on the lives of young women in China's urban environment. The documentary also features sociologist Liu Bohong, who makes it clear that while the lives of women migrating from the provinces to the city are hard, it's those left behind in the rural Chinese provinces whose lives are truly difficult. Most concerning for Liu Bohong is how many women living in rural provinces become suicide statistics.
More than Half the Sky: China on China Enhanced DVD