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Tian Tian: Success against All Odds—China from Within (Enhanced DVD)

Tian Tian: Success against All Odds—China from Within (Enhanced DVD)
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Explore traditional Chinese values with an intimate look into the life of Tian Tian, a woman who overcame all odds to become a successful business owner. 
Item Code: FI-52870
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:

This program follows the story of Tian Tian, a Chinese girl who was attacked, along with her mother, by criminals in a market. The attack results in Tian Tian being completely paralyzed below the neck and causes her parents to worry about the future of her life. Tian Tian triumphs over her unfortunate situation after her family invests a computer. Though she is paralyzed, Tian Tian learns to use the computer by putting a chopstick in her mouth and eventually, she becomes very well versed in Flash animation. Using her new abilities, she starts her own successful business in Beijing. Tian Tian's future looks very bright, but her independent way of living clashes with her family's traditional Chinese values. 

Tian Tian: Success against All Odds—China from Within (Enhanced DVD)

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81608-800-3
  • Run Time: 25 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2004
  • CC

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