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Scene Changes: A Voyage through the Landscape of Italian Opera—The Italian Opera House Trilogy (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-52834
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Scene Changes: A Voyage through the Landscape of Italian Opera—The Italian Opera House Trilogy (Enhanced DVD)

Opera Houses first emerged in 1600 when they were constructed with monetary assistance from the rich patrons. But to maintain these timeless sophisticated buildings became a daunting task due to the changing economic situations. As a result of this many opera houses went to a bad shape and renewed themselves only after their restoration work was started again.

This documentary explains how opera history is closely related to Italian history. Opera started in the 16th century, when a document was written in Florence. This document was like a musical score. This spread to Venice and Mantua. In the next few decades, it was observed that theatre along with an excellent court orchestra became an integral part of any court. In the northern and southern regions, opera houses started flourishing like mushrooms at a rapid rate. This documentary video explores how for the next 200 years, Italy solely ruled over this genre. Italian language became the new language of the next generation. Opera houses became temples and meeting places of people. Their wonderful architecture revealed the wonderful pride of the cities.

This program moves throughout Italy to present to the viewers the re planning and re modeling of the old opera houses. Major striking images comprise of Teatro Verdi whose excavation has resulted in exposure of the hidden information related to the history of the opera. The other highlights are Teatro Farnese which was constructed when the opera singers started to evolve as stars. The Teatro della Pergola is thought to be the first quite essential opera house.

(Scene Changes: A Voyage through the Landscape of Italian Opera—The Italian Opera House Trilogy, Enhanced DVD, 44 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-884-1
Copy Right Date: 2004
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