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Scala Scalissima: The Renovation of La Scala—The Italian Opera House Trilogy

Item Code: FI-52833
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The restoration and renovation of La Scala in 2002 was a major cause of controversy as the fans were terrified by the fact that the historic lineage and aura associated with the ancient theater was in danger. However, though the stage section was destroyed, the auditorium itself was reconstructed to reshape La Scala, preserving its memory in the contemporary age. This resulted in enabling the restorers to invent new features and instill them into the new look and memory of La Scala. With expert opinion from architects, artisans and sound experts, this program documents the renovation of La Scala and the various measures adopted to maintain its original charm and aura.

(Scala Scalissima: The Renovation of La Scala—The Italian Opera House Trilogy, 44 minutes)
ISBN 978-1-61753-883-4
Copy Right Date: 2004
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