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Immigration Nation: The Building of Multicultural Australia (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Immigration Nation: The Building of Multicultural Australia (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)
The three part series chronicles the transformation of Australia from a white-only nation to a diverse society.
Item Code: FI-52693
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Sale-Price: $509.85

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Product Description:

This three part series chronicles the transformation of a white-only Australia, to an Australia of acceptance and multiculturalism. The exclusionary beginnings are based on a utopian idea of a white society. These ideas were fueled by fears of Asian communism, but as the Australian people became more aware of this racial injustice, the more the nation pulled away from those ideas of exclusion. 

The series starts with the early beginnings and the founding in 1901 of a new nation and the series ends with Australia's desire to embrace these ideas of a diverse society. Through the efforts of historians and testimonies of those that witnessed those early years of racial injustice, the films give an account of how a nation can be transformed into something entirely unintended during its founding.

Immigration Nation: The Building of Multicultural Australia

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-869-8
  • Run Time: 163 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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