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Vienna: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau (Enhanced DVD)

Vienna: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau (Enhanced DVD)
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Find out how an art movement changed a city unwilling to leave the old imperial ways.
Item Code: FI-52570
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

Vienna: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau is part of the BBC series Sex and Sensibility. The movie is a documentary that tells how the artists of Vienna became divided when Art Nouveau came on the scene.  Vienna is just one of the cities that became swept up in the art revolution that the Bohemian artists started. It was called Jugendstil. Gustav Klimt was the most famous of the city and he founded and led the Vienna Secession  Group that was the movement's group name.

The series commentator Stephen Smith explores the art movement  and how it broke the hold of the Künstlerhaus, the leading art exhibition hall. The new art style was finally able to be shown in 1897 and the young artists put Klimt in charge. The people of the Jugendstil even started a magazine called Ver Sacrum. Architects, sculptors and painters all worked to change the art landscape of this city on the Danube.

  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-401-0
  • Run Time: 50 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • Enhanced

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