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Sex and Sensibility: The Allure of Art Nouveau (SET of 3 DVD's)

Item Code: FI-52567
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Product Description:
The Series Includes: Paris: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau, British Cities: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau, Vienna: Sex and Sensibility—The Allure of Art Nouveau.

Art Nouveau was an eruption of the emerging ways of representing the world that was making its presence felt in every arena of the global world and affecting every field like architecture and design. Carved out of the different sociological forces that were shaping the world, talented artists like Beardsley, Lalique, Horta merged the conscious tastes of the urban modern mind with concepts taken from nature and sex. This three-part series journeys through London, Glasglow, Paris, and Brussels in a marvelous spectacular investigation to find out more about the development of the contemporary modern style.

In this video, the many objects of Parsian Art Nouveau are wonderfully explored by Stephen Smith. He moves on to reveal the interesting story which is behind these sensual images of the famous actress Sarah Bernhardt. It moves on to visit the many art nouveau locations which include Maxim’s restaurant. This program also builds an interesting image of fin-de-siecle which is in Paris. The program also discusses about the style and mentions that it is just veneer deep. He uncovers the decorative style which is known to have erupted for the first time in the cityscape.

(Sex and Sensibility: The Allure of Art Nouveau, Enhanced DVD, 3-part series 49–51 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-398-3
Copy Right Date: 2012
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