A part of the popular BBC series "Inside the Human Body", this particular edition focuses on the subject of the creation of human life. Viewers are treated to some dramatic, state-of-the-art visuals of millions of sperms cells competing to be successful in their mission. It demonstrates how a particular sperm is ultimately selected and how the others are dealt with by the mother's white blood cells. The film depicts the incredibly improbable events on how a body begins to self-assemble and an embryonic face forms. The documentary follows a couple who are not just expecting, but expecting triplets. The couple shares everything from 4-D ultrasound scans to the video of the three's births into this world. In addition to the dramatic conception-to-birth story of the triplets, the film features a woman who is expecting her 16th child and a visit with the world's oldest conjoined twins. This is a video designed not only to inform but to do so in an entertaining format.