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Da Vinci: The Lost Treasure (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-52452
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Journalist Fiona Bruce in this program attempts to narrate the story related to the master architect Leonardo da Vinci’s most renowned works, then examines the real story behind the newly found masterpiece of da Vinci. Bruce here attempts to give a full picture of the artist’s life right from his formative years and for this he makes a journey to Tuscany considered to be birthplace of da Vinci, he also visits Florence, the place where he developed his talent.

Bruce with the assistance of biographers, curators and art historians uncovers the different aspects of da Vinci’s life through a deep exploration of his paintings. In Paris, Bruce looks at the most renowned painting of Mona Lisa and grasps the different techniques employed by Leonardo to create this masterpiece. In New York, she is given a special sneak view of Salvator Mundi which was considered to be lost and being pictured here for the first time.

(Da Vinci: The Lost Treasure, Enhanced DVD, 51 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-283-2
Copy Right Date: 2011
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