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What Lies Beneath: Art of America (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-52440
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Andrew Graham-Dixon in this program attempts to get a feel of the present day America through a deep exploration of the most influential art revolutions in the history of America. He explores a number of significant art architectures. In New York, he surveys Andy Warhol’s soup can paintings and Jasper John’s White Flag. He then interacts with James Rosenquist before moving on to Los Angeles for approaching the Googie architecture and Ed Ruscha’s work with a new vision.

He then moves on to the East to meet Philip Guston at his home and then arranges a meeting at the studio of Jeff Koons to understand how this artist attempts to raise the horizon of the American taste. Graham-Dixon also investigates the influence of the 9/11 blasts on the evolving generation of new talented artists like Matthew Day Jackson.

A BBC Production. Part of the series Art of America. 51 minutes
ISBN: 978-1-61753-272-6
Copy Right Date: 2011
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