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Looking for Paradise: Art of America (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-52438
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Andrew Graham-Dixon takes inspiration for his work from the groundbreaking works of talented artists who are credited with laying the foundations of America as he examines the great work done in American art arena from the period of 17th to the 19th century. He explores the earliest portraits in the American history and exposes the reality behind the very intriguing Benjamin West’s popular treaty of Penn in connection with the Indians.

In this program, Graham-Dixon smartly uncovers the paradox – how innovation and progress has come at a very tragic price. It is closely associated with the massive destruction of cultural heritage of the Native Americans, by the famous European settlers.

In Philadelphia, he delves into a close reading of one of the most expensive books in the world - John James Audubon’s exquisite Birds of America - and investigates the mystery and wilderness that was a great source of inspiration for the famous landscape painter Thomas Cole. Graham-Dixon puts forward the argument that in spite of the popularity of idyllic concerns in American art, development and innovation have not been easy goals to achieve. This splendid journey walks us to the end of the present 19th century.

(Looking for Paradise: Art of America, Enhanced DVD, 51 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-270-2
Copy Right Date: 2011
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