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Art of America (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-52437
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Sale-Price: $509.85

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Product Description:
In this program divided into three parts, renowned historian of art, Graham-Dixon, travels across America to examine the various themes and styles which were prevalent from the 17th to 21st century in the American art sector. Right from its emergence with the first Puritans, he locates a consistent paradox underlying American history- a belief system related to God and nature, a reality rooted in bloodshed and degeneration of the common world. The second factor is the emergence of modernism, abstract expressionism and mechanization. After this Graham-Dixon focuses on the period of capitalism and beyond, consisting of Pop Art, recurrence of pantheism, and the competition between “filthy money” and “pure art”.

Art of America (Enhanced DVD, 3-part series, 50 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-269-6
Copy Right Date: 2011
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