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A Talk with Hitchcock (Enhanced DVD)

A Talk with Hitchcock (Enhanced DVD)
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Everyone knows the movies of Alfred Hitchcock, and now fans can hear from the famed director in his own words by watching this interview from 1964.
Item Code: FI-52253
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The movies of director Alfred Hitchcock are well known for their suspense and their thrilling plot lines. The director behind those films has remained an enigmatic figure that has continued to fascinate over the decades. In this interview from 1964, you can hear his thoughts on his films and on films in general in his own words. In this interview, he talks about horror movies and how they impact society as well as how stories are told through filmmaking. He also discusses his own film editing decisions and how they impact the films he made. If you've ever wondered what Hitchcock thought about filmmaking or about how he dealt with the thousands of birds that were featured in The Birds, those questions are answered in this film.

A Talk with Hitchcock
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-843-8
  • Run Time: 50 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 1964
  • CC

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