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Lobotomy: Propaganda in the Russian-Georgian War (Enhanced DVD)

Lobotomy: Propaganda in the Russian-Georgian War (Enhanced DVD)
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An unfortunate characteristic of war is the tendency for the side controlling the media to use propaganda to further its mission. This DVD explores how Russia used its control of the media to its advantage during the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict.
Item Code: FI-51967
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The word "lobotomy" in the title of this documentary refers to the brain-washing type way the Russian government manipulated the public and twisted the news media's portrayal of Russian actions during the conflict between Russia, Georgia, and the republics of Ossetia and Abkhazia. Experts often refer to the information war that was waged along with the physical war between the groups, particularly the way Russia demonized the opposition while striving to make Russia seem to be the peace-keeper. To combat Russia's misinformation, the government of Georgia attempted to block Russian newscasts and even Internet access. This documentary not only delves into Russia and Georgia's information war, but the larger implications of propaganda, the control of media, and how governments communicate in times of crisis.

Lobotomy: Propaganda in the Russian-Georgian War
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-175-0
  • Run Time: 55 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

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