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The Vice Guide to Liberia (2010) (Enhanced DVD)

The Vice Guide to Liberia (2010) (Enhanced DVD)
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Vice Magazine travels to the West African country of Liberia where the publication invokes its trademark brand of journalism: embedding itself in the one of the dirtiest locations in the world to document the results of two violent civil wars and the vile murderous warlords who emerged from the ashes.
Item Code: FI-51958
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

Expertly narrated by Vice's Co-Founder, Shane Smith, this documentary delves into ramifications of the post "civil war on steroids" crisis in the West African nation of Liberia. As the Vice team hits the ground in Monrovia, they snake their way through to impoverished capital to meet with ex warlords such as General Buck Naked, who proclaims on camera that he and his fighters drank the blood of young boys before they entered into battle, and after providing several bribes at a local prison, the team was then introduced to another warlord with the pseudonym General bin laden.

The team continues to travel throughout the slums of the country revealing open sewers and strewn trash throughout the decaying community. Local citizens, from malnourished children to activists to aspiring rappers, voice their complaints about the lack of government assistance. The population feels essentially abandoned -- and even though the warlords portray a sincere interest in improving the welfare of the general population their districts, cannibalism and heroin use surrounds Smith and his investigative team.

Vice provides an enlightening inside view of the poverty and war stricken crisis that is ongoing in Liberia. The images and interviews are unlike any other mainstream media coverage of the region. The team continually risks their own personal safety to document the shocking rate of decay in Liberia. Once again, Vice raises the bar in investigative journalism and their bravely captured footage should not be missed.

The Vice Guide to Liberia (2010)

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-166-8
  • Run Time: 52 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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