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Embedded in Afghanistan (Enhanced DVD)

Embedded in Afghanistan (Enhanced DVD)
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See what it was like to be an embedded journalist in Afghanistan in this film that follows John D. McHugh as he filmed the lives of soldiers during wartime.
Item Code: FI-51951
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The war in Afghanistan is examined in this film through the eyes of an embedded journalist who faced the same dangers as the troops. John D. McHugh, a reporter embedded with U.S. troops, was shot while reporting on the war. This film brings together scenes of life for U.S. troops in Afghanistan as well as the dangers that they faced every day as filmed by McHugh. From Taliban attacks to assisting the Afghan army, U.S. troops had a variety of tough jobs that were chronicled in this in-depth documentary that shows some of the harsher sides of life in the midst of war.

Embedded in Afghanistan
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-159-0
  • Run Time: 53 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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