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Iraq: War and Truth (Enhanced DVD)

Iraq: War and Truth (Enhanced DVD)
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While thousands of reporters converged in Iraq to cover the Iraq War, most of what they discovered was never shown to the U.S. public.
Item Code: FI-51927
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The role of the media during war time has changed drastically over the decades, and that role was changed dramatically with the coverage created of the Iraq War. In this film, coverage from previous wars and conflicts is contrasted with the coverage of the Iraq War that was created. More than 2,000 reporters went to Iraq to document everything that was happening there, but little of that footage made it back to the U.S. for public view. Instead, there was a sanitization process that created a packaged image of the invasion of Iraq. With interviews from journalists, authors and a former government official, a comprehensive look at the modern role of the media in the public's perception of war.

Iraq: War and Truth
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-136-1
  • Run Time: 59 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2006
  • CC

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