Fog and Friction: Media Impact on Battle Chaos (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
In battle, experts refer to "fog" and "friction" as strong forces shaping how combat happens. What is fog and friction? They are the uncertainties caused by the stress of combat and incomplete intelligence. In this thrilling documentary, you will see footage filmed in the early days of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You'll see how intelligence reports of tanks become battle plans. You'll see Marines in Afghanistan going into combat. The documentary also includes analysis and discussion of embedding reporters and how that impacts war reporting in the 21st century. More than just telling the story and listing facts, you'll see analysis of all these events and forces. The analysis includes voices of military experts and veteran journalists. Experienced reporter Dodge Billingsley created this intriguing look at battle chaos and war reporting. It puts you in the shoes of reporters and soldiers. Don't miss this amazing work!
Fog and Friction: Media Impact on Battle Chaos
Fog and Friction: Media Impact on Battle Chaos
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-61753-129-3
- Run Time: 55 Minutes
- Copyright Date: 2005
- CC
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