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Claridge's: Art Deco Icons (Enhanced DVD)

Claridge's: Art Deco Icons  (Enhanced DVD)
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Step into the 1930’s Claridge’s Hotel in London’s Mayfair to see the world of that decades upscale Art Deco design.
Item Code: FI-51896
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:

This presentation takes you into a world of glamour and high society found in the Claridge’ Hotel of London’s Mayfair district. Established in 1812, the hotel grew in popularity after experiencing a total design transformation. Its new luxurious Art Deco design quickly made it a desirable destination for famous and affluent guests. This program takes you into the hotel, showing its brilliant Art Deco interior. See the hotel’s legendary fumoir, a smoking room where even the most pretentious women of Britain could be found smoking cigarettes. See all of the opulent details and unique features found in the Claridge’s Hotel. One example of this is a beautiful Art Deco Bathroom featuring glass panels, contemporary tile molding and separate pulls to call the maid and butler. This 29-minute enhanced DVD presentation is a part of the series, Art Deco Icons.

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