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Art Deco Icons (4-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-51895
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Sale-Price: $519.80

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Product Description:
Art Deco designs, distinguished by an interaction between geometry and opulent curved forms represented the archetypal 20th century’s international essence of modern thinking. This series employs four technological and architectural case designs to demonstrate the rise of the movement in Britain in the 1930s creating a lasting impact and influencing the cultural and aesthetic attributes of the nation. Acclaimed historian of Architecture David Heathcote focuses his captivating gaze on Claridge’s , the majestic hotel and the pastoral mansion known as Casa del Rio along with the prominent Orient Express.

( Art Deco Icons, Enhanced DVD, 4-part series, 28–29 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-1-61753-691-5
Copy Right Date: 2011
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