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Monsters from the Id: Anxiety and Optimism in 1950s Science Fiction (Enhanced DVD)

Monsters from the Id: Anxiety and Optimism in 1950s Science Fiction (Enhanced DVD)
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The words "50s science fiction movie" bring to mind cheesy plastic UFOs hanging from string, scantily clad women screaming for rescue, and radioactive creatures bigger than a skyscraper. However, can science fiction films from the 1950s also tell us about the political, social, and technological issues of the decade beyond the need for better special effects?
Item Code: FI-50573
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Monsters from the Id is an engaging documentary that draws parallels between the characters, themes, and ideas found in 1950s science fiction movies and the geopolitical events of the decade. Explore how the Cold War's fear of anything "un-American" influenced the portrayal of aliens from outer space. Examine how advances in technology, particularly as found in the Atomic Age of the 1950s, demonstrate both the hope and fear of Americans in the form of irradiated lizards and last-minute deliveries from world domination. A recurring theme of the brave, American scientist saving the world from menacing, alien forces illustrates the mentality of the 1950s and how popular culture was influenced by worries and triumphs of the age.

Monsters from the Id: Anxiety and Optimism in 1950s Science Fiction
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-479-9
  • Run Time: 52 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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