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Toying with Paper: All Things Paper (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-50342
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:
The program portrays one of Japan’s excellent paper engineers Keisuke Saka who is a pioneer in paper automata. His stuffs are darkly amusing and innovatively creative to develop. Brian Chan is one artist in China who can be credited for taking origami to a new area of complexity whereas Paul Chan develops paper props in Hong Kong from his work place. Though their products are made up of paper only , they have the same ability of durability and disposability as that of any other art work. And the major idea that Paul Chan, Brian Chan and Keisuke Saka are all grown up people is not a obstruction for them to work with paper.

(Toying with Paper: All Things Paper, Enhanced DVD, 23 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62290-700-7
Copy Right Date: 2009
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