What causes a child to become a bully? There are a variety of theories, including self-esteem problems and issues with parents at home. Whatever the cause, bullying has become a serious concern that affects the lives of millions of children across the nation. Our education system is heavily impacted by bullying and a variety of anti-bullying techniques have been approached. One of these is the “no-blame” approach, which seeks to avoid isolating the bully or punishing them heavily for their behaviors.
In this intriguing DVD, you will learn about the various ways that non-punitive approaches are being applied to the problems associated with bullying. You will also learn how to implement these procedures and the benefits that each brings to your classroom. While there are disadvantages to this technique, each will be carefully discussed in order to not only make them more apparent, but make them easier to deal with when they do occur.
Other non-punitive measures include the “shared concern method” and the “restorative justice” ideal. These techniques focus on identifying the problem of bullying, finding out why it is occurring, and working with the bully to eliminate these kinds of behaviors. Children who bully are often lonely and sensitive children who use their behaviors to get attention and feel better about themselves.
Rather than punishing them and creating a cycle of angry “reactive” behaviors, non-punitive approaches can stem the tide of bullying behaviors at their source and keep them from becoming even worse.