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Blogging: Serious Media or Just a Rant? (Enhanced DVD)

Blogging: Serious Media or Just a Rant? (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn about what's real and right about blogs, bloggers and blogging in this 25 minute DVD packed full of useful and truthful information about blogs.
Item Code: FI-50198
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
With the advent of the internet and eventual social media came the ultimate capability for people to have their voices heard through their very own published weblog, or "blog". Anyone wit the ability can create a blog and publish any content they choose. It's a great platform for people to speak their minds and exercise their right to free speech, and in many cases, it's truly free. You can set up your own blog without spending a single penny. Unfortunately, with all the free speeches going on in the world of blogs, it's difficult to navigate who's credible and who isn't. With the enormous volume of blogs in existence today it can take a tremendous amount of time differentiating which blogs have useful information and content from the blogs that are simply an "author" ranting about a topic without any actual facts. This DVD looks at the short history of blogging and provides valuable insight into the current world of blogging.
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-524-6
  • Run Time: 25 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2006
  • CC

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