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England Swings: Discontent in London Over the 2012 Olympics (Enhanced DVD)

England Swings: Discontent in London Over the 2012 Olympics (Enhanced DVD)
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The 2012 Olympics in London focused the world's press on the city, but many who lived within it were unhappy with the changes they had to endure in their city.
Item Code: FI-50129
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
The changes to the city of London during the 2012 Olympics weren't the focus of the world's media during the event, but they troubled many of the city's residents nonetheless. The preparations for the Olympics spanned years, and often they made living in the city far less convenient. The fences and razor wire needed for some of the areas being used for the Olympics angered many residents who felt that their city had been taken over by numerous eyesores. Some locals couldn't play football because of fields being taken over by events. As the world's media focused not he beauty and the spectacle of the event, many locals were unhappy with many of the changes they were forced to make in their everyday lives to accommodate larger-scale sporting events and the massive crowds that were pouring into the city.

England Swings: Discontent in London Over the 2012 Olympics
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-836-3
  • Run Time: 26 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • CC

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