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My Genes Speak for Me: Reconciling Nature and Nurture (Enhanced DVD)

My Genes Speak for Me: Reconciling Nature and Nurture (Enhanced DVD)
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Ponder the old question of "Nature versus Nurture" as this film examines examples of heredity and environmental factors on people.
Item Code: FI-50122
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

With a sperm donor who was a Nobel prize-winner, a young girl is conceived who grows up to be a very intelligent, gifted woman. This films embarks on a quest to determine if her successes are the result of her genes, or if her environment while growing up played a role as well. A set of twins who grew up separately and still exhibited remarkable similarities in adulthood are also featured. Though these cases give the illusion that genetics play more of a role than environment, this film suggests that genes and environment are not necessarily at odds, but rather, they complement each other. This film also takes a look at hereditary disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease as the question of how human lives are shaped is addressed.

My Genes Speak for Me: Reconciling Nature and Nurture

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-234-4
  • Run Time: 45 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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