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Shooting Muhammad: A Palestinian Attends an Israeli University (Enhanced DVD)

Shooting Muhammad: A Palestinian Attends an Israeli University (Enhanced DVD)
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This documentary follows a Palestinian student in an Israeli university, focusing on the struggles and discrimination he faces. It also addresses the bigger picture of peace and violence present in the Israeli occupied West Bank. 
Item Code: FI-50011
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

Palestinians and Israelis have a long history of mistrust and violence. Muhammad is a Palestinian in the middle of this fight on the West Bank in Israel, at Ariel University. This program chronicles Muhammad's struggle being a Palestinian student in an Israeli university. It also looks at the broader picture of Palestinian and Israeli interactions within the region.

As viewers travel with Muhammad through his experiences at the university the filmmakers use interviews and first person accounts to make his struggle very personal. Interviews with young Israeli students reflect the fear many have when dealing, or choosing not to deal, with Arab/Palestinian students. Muhammad uses the medium of rap to express his opinions and feelings about Shu'fat Refugee Camp, one of the poorest Palestinian communities on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Being Palestinian in Israel means that Muhammad is a stranger in his own land and has no nationality. This frustration comes out in he and his friends painting graffiti on a wall in his neighborhood. In contrast, the Israeli occupied Pisgat Ze'ev Settlement shows a very different picture of life on the West Bank. The Israelis demonstrate that they are in control of the area and celebrate 60 years of Israeli settlement in the West Bank. Muhammad's family history is one of displacement and living in refugee camps. Other topics addressed in the program are: life in other refugee camps, peace efforts in the area, and political influences in occupied areas. 

Length: 50 minutes

Item#: BVL50011

ISBN: 978-1-61753-191-0

Producer: Journeyman Pictures

Copyright date: ©2009

 Closed Captioned

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