Allerair 5000 Pro Exec UV Air Purifier

Allerair 5000 Pro Exec UV Air Purifier - Click to enlarge

Keep germs, bacteria and noxious odors out of the air for good with this air purifier. Don't just clean the air with a simple filter when you can neutralize germs and odors with the UV lamp and the multiple layers of filters.

Item Code: AA-5000-Pro-Exec-UV

List $1,099.98
Sale-Price: $1,059.99
You Save: $39.99 (4%)
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Product Description:

Having a HEPA filter is a good way to get rid of fine particles in the air. When you have two HEPA filters, a pre-filter for large particles, a carbon filter to destroy noxious gases and odors and a UV lamp to kill germs, you aren't just cleaning the air. You're declaring war on bad air quality and taking no prisoners. The Allerair 5000 Pro Exec UV Air Purifier doesn't just make it smell better in a room that has bad air- it changes out the air every 30 minutes and won't allow germs to live. If you're serious about cleaner air, get armed with the air purifier that will back you up.

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