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AllerAir 5000 Exec UV Air Purifier

For large spaces that need fresh air, this air purifier will do the job with its multiple filters and UV lamp. Clean the air efficiently and make it safer and healthier to breathe with this high-powered air purifier.

Item Code: AA-5000-Exec-UV
Avg. Rating

List $799.98
Sale-Price: $769.99
You Save: $29.99 (4%)
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Product Description:

If you've had trouble with air purifiers that only clean the air around the device itself, this may be the unit you've been looking for. Clean the air in a full 1,500 square feet of space with one compact unit. The air will be continuously changed every 30 minutes to keep the air smelling fresh. The 18 lb carbon filter is a workhorse that can take on large areas of noxious odors and gases. For tiny particles in the air that can affect the smell, and your health, there are two true HEPA filters to catch them. Two more filters are there to catch and suppress bacteria. A UV germicidal lamp is included to kill viruses and bacteria. 

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