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TOM LYNCH Watercolor III Book

TOM LYNCH Watercolor III Book
Learn new techniques in water color and take on projects from acclaimed artists Tom Lynch.
Item Code: TLBK111
Avg. Rating

List $61.44
Sale-Price: $59.99
You Save: $1.45 (2%)

Product Description:

Looking to break out of the mold with your watercolor painting? Want new projects to try or to learn new things at your own pace? Tom Lynch's Fun With Watercolor III, based on the popular tv show of the same name, sets out to teach you right preperation, techniques, and how to experiment with your colors, strokes and ideas overall. If you've been struggling with new ideas or want to try something different, Fun With Watercolor III can help.

With 13 chapters, 4 stages in full color, you'll take on different pieces like  Falling Leaves, Winter Shadows, and Flower Patterns. Create beautiful outdoor watercolor settings and learn the techniques that Tom Lynch uses himself to create his famous artwork. In paperback and easy to read, you'll find your watercolor talents improved with the guidance of this book and Tom Lynch's talents!

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Fundamental techniques for artist needs can be found in many art books. Paint guide books focus on step-by-step instructions and photos that show every stage of creation. Materials, subjects and techniques, including methods of the great masters, are also covered.
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