4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cadmium Yellow #108

Brilliant yellow color that screams for attention while celebrating life.
Item Code: WN4-108

List $59.70
Sale-Price: $29.85
You Save: $29.85 (50%)

Product Description:

Cadmium Yellow is not a quiet, submissive color. The color pops instantly to show an exuberant playfulness and celebration of life. This tone is fantastic for cheerful spring paints of wild flowers or rain boots, as well as sunflowers and bananas. The Cadmium set of colors are also known for their excellent light-fastness. This allows a painted scene to stay the same vibrant color without much fading.

A number of fashion designers, specifically sneaker designers, have clung onto Cadmium Yellow to highlight their brand. When contrasted against the traditional white and black of a sneaker, this color easily stands out on its own. However, as many fashion designers discover, this particular color is an excellent compliment to any duller tone. Darker blues, and even a touch of lighter blues, can play very well with this color.

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