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Ernest Cole: Pioneer of Antiapartheid Activism (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-49987
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
In this remarkable film, Jurgen Schadeberg emphasizes on his friend and photographer Ernest Cole who was previously in exile. Cole could have been an integral part of that age of long gone black doers that did get its due recognition from history, but Schadeberg launched his spectacular work and his efficiency to the public.
This film shows how Cole represented his antiapartheid outlook through his groundbreaking art. Working for the popular Drum magazine, Cole was the first person in the field of photojournalism to highlight South Africa’s apartheid system. Combining exclusive video stills of Cole with recent interviews of his family and aides, Schadeberg narrates the tale of a fearless artist who brought about a change in the way society viewed itself.

(Ernest Cole: Pioneer of Antiapartheid Activism, Enhanced DVD, 52 minutes).
ISBN: 978-1-62290-807-3
Copy Right Date: 2006
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