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Moyers & Company: How Big Banks Victimize Our Democracy-With Government's Help (Enhanced DVD)

Moyers & Company: How Big Banks Victimize Our Democracy-With Government's Help (Enhanced DVD)
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The phenomenon of big bank funding of political campaigns, and the sweeping implications of state and federal government officials in the back pockets of financiers is the subject of this episode of Bill Moyers' documentary series. 
Item Code: FI-49972
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
In Moyers & Company: How Big Banks Victimize Our Democracy-With Government's Help (2012) the June 2012 Congressional appeal by JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon before the finance committee, exposes how political campaign contributions made by major financial institutions are leveraging backing for policy in favor of investment concerns.

The program also looks at the question of big bank political intervention from the perspective of the average American consumer. Is the practice of payment for policy too cavalier for the country to accept? Are the risks too high for investors? Does this signal a new era in identity management for the government responsible for legal rules to campaign finance.

This episode of Moyers & Company hosted by Bill Moyers engages these key political questions with Yves Smith, of the blog Naked Capitalism, and Rolling Stone editor, Matt Taibbi to discuss the persistence of corruption between big banks and big government, and its relevancy in relation to the devaluation of the U.S. economy and American way of life.

Georgetown University's Center on Poverty, Inequality, and Public Policy, Faculty and Director Peter Edelman, who also wrote So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America offers insights to Moyers’ investigation into the world of finance backing democratic representation, and the growing gap between the rich and the poor in outcome. Broadcast date: June 22, 2012. (57 minutes)

How Big Banks Victimize Our Democracy-With Government's Help

Moyers & Company
  • DVD
  • 978-1-62290-496-9 (ISBN)
  • Run Time 57 Minutes
  • Copyright 2012
  • Closed Captioned (CC)

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