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People Skills: Communicating in a Team (Enhanced DVD)

People Skills: Communicating in a Team (Enhanced DVD)
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This video shows business teams how to utilize their most important quality, communication. 
Item Code: FI-49947
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
In order for any business to thrive, everyone involved must understand the importance of effective communication. This enhanced DVD explains to viewers how important it is to utilize the synergy that comes from a diverse team. All the different backgrounds and experiences can be a great asset or a great liability. The video shows members of the same team how to communicate with each other and make the most of their individual experiences. The video shows each team member the importance of communication and tolerance of others. Communication is the key to building strong business relationships, but it's necessary to overcome preconceived notions about each other before people can achieve true synergy as a team and as a species.  

Enhanced DVD
ISBN: 978-1-62290-952-0
Run Time: 10 Minutes
Copyright Date: 1998
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