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The Psychology of Saying Sorry (Enhanced DVD)

The Psychology of Saying Sorry (Enhanced DVD)
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Apologizing for acts not committed is difficult enough.
Item Code: FI-49938
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
For some people, saying “Sorry” is an insult or similar to a slap in the face. So, why do people find it difficult to apologize for common mistakes? Could it be the fact, that they do not want others to see them in a negative light? Perhaps they have not learned how to forgive themselves for being human.

This video sheds light on the benefits of apologizing, and how saying sorry can open the door to better health, and emotional healing. Apologizing allow us to move forward into the present, while coming to terms with the past. Healing begins with an apology, but mostly with forgiveness.

An apology can provide inner peace, and help us get rid of pride, which often leads to self- destruction. This video is short, to the point, and filled with 17 minutes of powerful life- changing solutions to transforming your life for the better, by simply saying, “Sorry” and meaning it.

The Psychology of Saying Sorry (Enhanced DVD)
  • ISBN: 978- 1- 62290- 947- 6
  • Run Time: 18 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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