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How to Make a 5-Star Impression (Enhanced DVD)

How to Make a 5-Star Impression (Enhanced DVD)
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Whether for a job interview, a meeting with a boss to talk about a raise, an adoption agency, or a first date, don't go anywhere before watching this DVD.
Item Code: FI-49935
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
In all of these situations, the old saying that there's only one chance to make a first impression comes to mind. The perceptions that someone makes upon a first meeting are those that are most likely to stick and are difficult to be altered or removed. Of course, many aspects go into a person's ability to make a first impression. There's the style of dress, which should be refined or professional depending on the situation but always neat, clean, and classy. A person's posture or gait also says a lot about them. Those that slouch or slump or look at their shoes while they walk don't come across as confident as someone who keeps their back straight and their head up. In this 10-minute program, learn the importance of these aspects as well as eye contact, firm handshakes, and vocal volume when first meeting someone. Those that give speeches or presentations, work in customer service, or sales can really benefit.

How to Make a 5-Star Impression
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-944-5
  • Run time: 12 minutes
  • Copyright date: 2007
  • CC

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