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Best Practice Workplace Checklist (Enhanced DVD)

Best Practice Workplace Checklist (Enhanced DVD)
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 Defendant employers are correct that neither quotas nor elimination subjectivity is a viable solution to the problems targeted by class action suits challenging the aggregate impact of excessive subjectivity in decision-making. They are not necessarily correct, however, that these are the only employer practices that could decrease the negative effects of stereotyping and bias at work. In fact list of best practices in diversity management have proliferated recently.
Item Code: FI-49933
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
The diverse sources offer some consensus about areas in which workplace regulation may help to both prevent discrimination and limit the likelihood of liability in litigation. These areas include neutral and well-advertised posting of management positions and training opportunities; written standards of both expectation and evaluation; monitoring and appraisal of workplace statistics; and antidiscrimination policies and training. Of course, no checklist of policies will or should automatically insulate an employer from liability for discrimination. Courts must consider how policies in fact operate in the particular context of a given workplace. But the practices described here may offer a starting point for considering what kinds of basic steps employers should be taking to reduce the likelihood of stereotyping in workplace decisions.

Best Practice Workplace Checklist
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-942-1
  • Run Time: 15 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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