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Developing Emotional Competence (Enhanced DVD)

Developing Emotional Competence (Enhanced DVD)
At all ages and stages of life, it's necessary to be able to control emotions in both professional and personal settings, which is what this DVD seeks to teach.
Item Code: FI-49924
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
In only 15 minutes, emotional competence is adequately and fully defined. As the program continues, those that watch can learn how to tap into their own emotional core by following four simple directions. The first step involves learning that emotional competence consists of using intuitive senses positively. Next, the program teaches how to regulate emotions to prevent outbursts even in the face of fear, adversity, or anger. The third step consists of learning empathy and better sensing the emotions of friends, family, and coworkers. If talking about feelings is uncomfortable, this enhanced DVD also offers constructive ways to open dialogue about emotions.

Developing Emotional Competence
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-933-9
  • Run time: 15 minutes
  • Copyright date: 2007
  • CC

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