There are countless television programs which depict detectives questioning suspects. We have watched and noticed common similarities used to get the bad guy to fess up. Obviously, there is skill used in questioning. But that is about all we know. The truth is that questions are art forms used by all of us to gain beneficial information, whether you understand what you are doing or not. This program is designed to help you ask more effective questions so you get better answers. There is a lot more to it than you think. Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry illustrate the basics. For example, there are closed questions and open questions (and the right times to utilize each). Open questions, or those which elicit longer answers, give the power back to the questioner. Closed questions, or those which are answered with one or two words, gives the power to the person being questioned. There are ways to combine open and closed questions in different situations. Plus, you have to consider your tone of voice and understand how to use silence. Listen to Ash and Quarry and become an expert questioner.
Enhanced DVD ISBN: 978-1-62290-932-2 Run Time: 20 Minutes Copyright Date: 2007 CC