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6 Ways to Build Rapport (Enhanced DVD)

6 Ways to Build Rapport (Enhanced DVD)
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This video acts as a how-to guide for viewers to build rapport with their coworkers and, as a result, better workplace relationships.
Item Code: FI-49922
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Building rapport is key to cementing strong connections with coworkers, and positive relationships at work can make the experience of the regular "nine to five" just a little bit less of a daily grind.  This video is designed to help viewers build their rapport at work and sustain it. Acting as a sort of how-to guide, this film shows the necessity of rapport as well as what to do and what not to do. Some of the tips and tricks involve getting coworkers talking and using body language to set a positive tone. It also helps viewers understand how to handle more challenging situations, or those times when it seems difficult or impossible to build rapport with a particular employee.

The run time for this video is 17 minutes and it is closed captioned for the hearing impaired
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-931-5
  • Copyright Date: 2007

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