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Men and Women Are Different (Enhanced DVD)

Men and Women Are Different (Enhanced DVD)
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Though many may not want to discuss the topic of gender, but being aware of the differences between the sexes can help to improve relationships in the workplace, by bettering communication and understanding how those of different genders may react in certain scenarios.
Item Code: FI-49896
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Gender can be a difficult topic to approach when it comes to the workplace, but it is a real issue when it comes to interacting with coworkers. Differences between the genders can be due to biology, including how genes and hormones affect the way the brain develops and is hardwired. The environment and society can also impact how genders react and are treated. This film takes a look at how to communicate and interact with individuals of different genders and how to improve workplace relationships. This video discusses a number of factors, including the impact of these difference in gender, how men and women might differ in their participation or requests, and communication through body language.

This film has a run time of 14 minutes. It is closed captioned for the hearing impaired and offers educational materials that are available to view or print online.
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-905-6
  • Copyright Date: 2001

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