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Presenting with Impact: Sales and Service Masterclass (Enhanced DVD)

Presenting with Impact: Sales and Service Masterclass (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn how to give a successful presentation in a variety of industries from a panel of experts in this short 16 minute video on Presenting with Impact, part of the Sales and Service Masterclass video series.
Item Code: FI-49841
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
As a part of the Sales and Service Masterclass, this program covers how to present and make an impact. Psychologist Peter Quarry directs this short video by talking to experts who then give their opinions on how to present specific products. In addition to the presentation, viewers will see how critiquing is done, to learn what changes could benefit the presentation.

To really sell a product, one must know everything about the product and their organization. Therefore, experts will cover presentation tips for various industries, including the real estate and service industry. Viewers will see the difference in behaviors, how to create the right questions, presenting via the phone, and listening to customers to determine what they desire from the product. This 16 minute program comes complete with educational materials to view and/or print online.
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-753-3
  • Run Time: 16 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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