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Selling Yourself First: Sales and Service Masterclass (Enhanced DVD)

Selling Yourself First: Sales and Service Masterclass (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn from a small panel of experts on how to present yourself and the attitude necessary to sell yourself to any company.
Item Code: FI-49840
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Peter Quarry and a panel of experts, including Michael Schiffner, cover business relationships in this short video on selling yourself. This program is just over ten minutes and is part of the Sales and Service Masterclass. It dives deep into how to make a great first impression and create positive relationships with everyone you meet.

Schiffner covers the tools you will need to overcome motivation blocks, but you will also learn how to present yourself at all times when it comes to both attitude and appearance. Some of the topics covered in this program include mental and physical fitness, use of body language and warm tones, and the importance of your presentation. You can find educational materials to view and/or print online.
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-752-6
  • Run Time: 12 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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