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Critical Thinking (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Critical Thinking (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)
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Information credibility, significance of the evidence, questioning assumptions, these make up the trifecta of critical thinking skills. Learn about these skills and more with this three part DVD series.
Item Code: FI-49813
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Sale-Price: $389.85

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Product Description:
Critical thinking skills have been heralded by educators around the world as the key to the mind. If you are taught how to find the answers, the world opens up and all knowledge is attainable. Feel your mind expand with applications you never thought of before with this 3 part series. Each DVD focuses on a specific skill set necessary to critical thinking. Disk one looks at the ability to determine credibility. Where does your source come from? Are they biased? How can you find out? Disk two features the significance of the evidence. How important is this information? Does this seemingly small thing have overarching consequences? Is the elephant in the room really that important? Disk three talks about questioning assumptions. Sometimes a hat is just a hat and sometimes it's so much more. What clues do we look for to understand which is which? Each DVD features vetted case studies and interviews with top minds in this area making it a fabulous resource for students in all fields of study. Printable/viewable worksheets are available online to accompany each disk. Disks run for 25 - 39 minutes each. Total run time of 90 minutes.

Critical Thinking (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)
  • ISBN: 978-1-61753-449-2
  • Run Time: 90 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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