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Breaking the Wall of Organizational Ignorance: How Visual Language Supports Decision Making About Wicked Problems and Social Messes (Enhanced DVD)

Breaking the Wall of Organizational Ignorance: How Visual Language Supports Decision Making About Wicked Problems and Social Messes (Enhanced DVD)
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Examine the research of political scientist, Robert Horn on longstanding 'social messes' that plague various organizations. In this 2011 video, Horn lectures on how his creative methodology helps to aid in policy-making to counteract said social issues.
Item Code: FI-49404
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
For organizations contending with an array of long-term social, commercial, and/ or organizational policy planning, there are complex and shifting problems that cannot be treated by employing traditional, analytical approaches. These issues, otherwise known as "wicked problems" or "social messes" in the 70's— due to their non-objectively assessable nature, boundaries, causes, and solutions —constitute the core of Horn's interdisciplinary studies in visual language. This political scientist — whose scholastic career in policy communication knowledge management, and social learning, have carried him from Harvard to Standford — has been working since the 1960's on methodologies to analyze and communicate complex subject matters to both private and public organizations. In this 2011 video lecture from the Falling Wall's Conference, Horn discloses how his technique is making it possible to use superior optical intellectual maps and small group procedures to assist the policy-making process in relation to government social programs, bureaucracy, as well as strategic issues such as nuclear waste disposal. (15 minutes).

Breaking the Wall of Organizational Ignorance: How Visual Language Supports Decision Making About Wicked Problems and Social Messes (Enhanced DVD)
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-465-5
  • Run Time: 15 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

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