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Breaking the Wall to the Future: How Art Can Use Feelings for Time to Coproduce Space and Society (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-49396
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Olaffur Eliasson is a name to be reckoned with in the modern world of art. The New York Times has gone to the extent of calling him an inspiring model for upcoming art. His success has grown enormously in the last couple of decades which made him an internationally acclaimed artist.
In this video lecture, created in 2010 at the Falling Walls conference, Eliasson reveals how art blending mechanics of consciousness with emotions divulges new boundaries in the inspection of society, time and space.
At a very young age, Olaffur was already one of the rare artists to attain an independent exhibition in New York’s Modern Art Museum. Having transformed an ancient brewery in the Prenzlauer Berg district into his studio, Eliasson now has more than thirty people working there for him. Eliasson has constructed replicas of the waterfalls in East River in New York; dyed green rivers in Stockholm, Tokyo and Los Angeles and crafted a sunset in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall, and also visualized the geometric principle for the face of Harpa concert hall and the Reykjavik conference center. Another famous work of his, is a sketch of the model of the pedestrian bridge crafted in the shape of a ship in Copenhagen’s Christianshavns Kanal.

(Breaking the Wall to the Future: How Art Can Use Feelings for Time to Coproduce Space and Society, Enhanced DVD, 15 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62290-457-0
Copy Right Date: 2010
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