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Woven Lives: Contemporary Textiles from Ancient Oaxacan Traditions (in Spanish) (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-49283
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
This documentary portrays the evolution of the weaving process right from its beginning to contemporary recent times. It wonderfully merges the different outlook of design, art, history, business, ethnic studies and cultural anthropology. Despite the fact that the textiles are the main points of the film, it also portrays the life associated with production which creates a sort of relation to the culture, of the past and of the future. The weaver’s production comprises of colors and textures from dyes and yarns. The revolutionary movement of the spinning wheel and the fast work of the weaver’s skilled hands depict a tempo of motion which has been in motion ceaselessly for centuries. The workroom is abuzz with the clumsy sound of the yard animals and the backdrop to the weavers as they proudly describe their work. Only the proper coordination between color, sound and movement can really describe the real essence of the process, their relation to the culture and the enigma of the stupendous textiles.
The story also focuses on the process of merging together the former technological practices with the modern innovations and investigates how the Zapotec artists rely on the past to advance towards the future. Watching this DVD, gives you an insight into the significance of the weaver’s materials which include dyes which are naturally produced, traditionally crafted silks & hand maintained looms along with in depth cultural awareness in this astounding combination of anthropology, history and design studies.

(Woven Lives: Contemporary Textiles from Ancient Oaxacan Traditions - in Spanish, Enhanced DVD, 76 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62290-578-2
Copy Right Date: 2011
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