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Woven Lives: Contemporary Textiles from Ancient Oaxacan Traditions (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-49282
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
In the thriving Zapotec communities of in Oaxaca, Mexico, textile artisans shape a large part of the community's culture. This documentary focuses on the way of life and work of 6 native weavers in the area. The program shows the growth of the weaving practice from its initial evolution to contemporary methods.
With its emphasis on portraying the luxuriance of sight, beauty and sound of the people and topography of Oaxaca, Mexico, this documentary offers an enthralling look at present day Zapotec in six villages. This vibrant documentary glorifies the splendid textiles and exemplifies how the weaving art has been beneficial to the Zapotec people for preserving their identity and culture for a vast span of history. The documentary surveys the significance of traditional art and design in maintaining the sustainability issue.
The story also focuses on the process of merging together the old technological practices with the modern innovations, and investigates how the Zapotec artisans rely upon the past to advance towards the future. Viewers get an insight into the significance of the weaver’s materials which include dyes which are naturally produced, traditionally crafted silks and hand maintained looms, along with in depth cultural awareness in this astounding combination of anthropology, history and design studies. Wonderful music scores by Lila Downs, Los Folkloristas, Ernesto Anaya, Son de Madera are included.

(Woven Lives: Contemporary Textiles from Ancient Oaxacan Traditions, Enhanced DVD, 76 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62290-577-5
Copy Right Date: 2011
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